22 research outputs found

    Transporting Functions across Ornaments

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    Programming with dependent types is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing to be able to bake invariants into the definition of data-types: we can finally write correct-by-construction software. However, this extreme accuracy is also a curse: a data-type is the combination of a structuring medium together with a special purpose logic. These domain-specific logics hamper any effort of code reuse among similarly structured data. In this paper, we exorcise our data-types by adapting the notion of ornament to our universe of inductive families. We then show how code reuse can be achieved by ornamenting functions. Using these functional ornament, we capture the relationship between functions such as the addition of natural numbers and the concatenation of lists. With this knowledge, we demonstrate how the implementation of the former informs the implementation of the latter: the user can ask the definition of addition to be lifted to lists and she will only be asked the details necessary to carry on adding lists rather than numbers. Our presentation is formalised in a type theory with a universe of data-types and all our constructions have been implemented as generic programs, requiring no extension to the type theory

    Vérification de la génération modulaire du code impératif pour Lustre

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    National audienceLes langages synchrones sont utilisés pour programmer des logiciels de contrôle-commande d'applications critiques. Le langage Scade, utilisé dans l'industrie pour ces applications, est fondé sur le langage Lustre introduit par Caspi et Halbwachs. On s'intéresse ici à la formalisation et la preuve, dans l'assistant de preuve Coq, d'une étape clef de la compilation : la traduction de programmes Lustre vers des programmes d'un langage impératif. Le défi est de passer d'une sémantique synchrone flot de données, où un programme manipule des flots, à une sémantique impérative, où un programme manipule la mémoire de façon séquentielle. Nous spécifions et vérifions un générateur de code simple qui gère les traits principaux de Lustre : l'échantillonnage, les noeuds et les délais. La preuve utilise un modèle sémantique intermédiaire qui mélange des traits flot de données et impératifs et permet de définir un invariant inductif essentiel. Nous exploitons la formalisation proposée pour vérifier une optimisation classique qui fusionne des structures conditionnelles dans le code impératif généré

    Fully Abstract Compilation to JavaScript

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    International audienceMany tools allow programmers to develop applications in high-level languages and deploy them in web browsers via compilation to JS. While practical and widely used, these compilers are ad hoc: no guarantee is provided on their correctness for whole programs, nor their security for programs executed within arbitrary JS contexts. This paper presents a compiler with such guarantees. We compile an ML-like language with higher-order functions and references to JS, while preserving all source program properties. Relying on type-based invariants and applicative bisimilarity, we show full abstraction: two programs are equivalent in all source contexts if and only if their wrapped translations are equivalent in all JS contexts. We evaluate our compiler on sample programs, including a series of secure libraries

    Custom Instruction Support for Modular Defense against Side-channel and Fault Attacks

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    International audienceThe design of software countermeasures against active and passive adversaries is a challenging problem that has been addressed by many authors in recent years. The proposed solutions adopt a theoretical foundation (such as a leakage model) but often do not offer concrete reference implementations to validate the foundation. Contributing to the experimental dimension of this body of work, we propose a customized processor called SKIVA that supports experiments with the design of countermeasures against a broad range of implementation attacks. Based on bitslice programming and recent advances in the literature, SKIVA offers a flexible and modular combination of countermeasures against power-based and timing-based side-channel leakage and fault injection. Multiple configurations of side-channel protection and fault protection enable the programmer to select the desired number of shares and the desired redundancy level for each slice. Recurring and security-sensitive operations are supported in hardware through custom instruction-set extensions. The new instructions support bitslicing, secret-share generation, redundant logic computation, and fault detection. We demonstrate and analyze multiple versions of AES from a side-channel analysis and a fault-injection perspective, in addition to providing a detailed performance evaluation of the protected designs. To our knowledge, this is the first validated end-to-end implementation of a modular bitslice-oriented countermeasure

    A Formally Verified Compiler for Lustre

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    International audienceThe correct compilation of block diagram languages like Lustre, Scade, and a discrete subset of Simulink is important since they are used to program critical embedded control software. We describe the specification and verification in an Interactive Theorem Prover of a compilation chain that treats the key aspects of Lustre: sampling, nodes, and delays. Building on CompCert, we show that repeated execution of the generated assembly code faithfully implements the dataflow semantics of source programs.We resolve two key technical challenges. The first is the change from a synchronous dataflow semantics, where programs manipulate streams of values, to an imperative one, where computations manipulate memory sequentially. The second is the verified compilation of an imperative language with encapsulated state to C code where the state is realized by nested records. We also treat a standard control optimization that eliminates unnecessary conditional statements

    The essence of ornaments

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    International audienceFunctional programmers from all horizons strive to use, and sometimes abuse, their favorite type system in order to capture the invariants of their programs. A widely used tool in that trade consists in defining finely indexed datatypes. Operationally, these types classify the programmer's data, following the ML tradition. Logically, these types enforce the program invariants in a novel manner. This new programming pattern, by which one programs over inductive definitions to account for some invariants, lead to the development of a theory of ornaments (McBride, 2011 Ornamental Algebras, Algebraic Ornaments. Unpublished). However, ornaments originate as a dependently-typed object and may thus appear rather daunting to a functional programmer of the non-dependent kind. This article aims at presenting ornaments from first-principles and, in particular, to declutter their presentation from syntactic considerations. To do so, we shall give a sufficiently abstract model of indexed datatypes by means of many-sorted signatures. In this process, we formalize our intuition that an indexed datatype is the combination of a data-structure and a data-logic. Over this abstraction of datatypes, we shall recast the definition of ornaments, effectively giving a model of ornaments. Benefiting both from the operational and abstract nature of many-sorted signatures, ornaments should appear applicable and, one hopes, of interest beyond the type-theoretic circles, case in point being languages with generalized abstract datatypes or refinement types

    Transporting functions across ornaments

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    Programming with dependent types is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing to be able to bake invariants into the definition of datatypes: we can finally write correct-by-construction software. However, this extreme accuracy is also a curse: a datatype is the combination of a structuring medium together with a special purpose logic. These domain-specific logics hamper any effort of code reuse among similarly structured data. In this paper, we exorcise our datatypes by adapting the notion of ornament to our universe of inductive families. We then show how code reuse can be achieved by ornamenting functions. Using these functional ornaments, we capture the relationship between functions such as the addition of natural numbers and the concatenation of lists. With this knowledge, we demonstrate how the implementation of the former informs the implementation of the latter: the user can ask the definition of addition to be lifted to lists and she will only be asked the details necessary to carry on adding lists rather than numbers. Our presentation is formalised in a type theory with a universe of datatypes and all our constructions have been implemented as generic programs, requiring no extension to the type theory

    Partial Type Equivalences for Verified Dependent Interoperability

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    International audienceFull-spectrum dependent types promise to enable the development of correct-by-construction software. However, even certified software needs to interact with simply-typed or untyped programs, be it to perform system calls, or to use legacy libraries. Trading static guarantees for runtime checks, the dependent interoperability framework provides a mechanism by which simply-typed values can safely be coerced to dependent types and, conversely, dependently-typed programs can defensively be exported to a simply-typed application. In this paper, we give a semantic account of dependent interoperability. Our presentation relies on and is guided by a pervading notion of type equivalence, whose importance has been emphasized in recent work on homotopy type theory. Specifically, we develop the notion of partial type equivalences as a key foundation for dependent interoperability. Our framework is developed in Coq; it is thus constructive and verified in the strictest sense of the terms. Using our library, users can specify domain-specific partial equivalences between data structures. Our library then takes care of the (sometimes, heavy) lifting that leads to interoperable programs. It thus becomes possible, as we shall illustrate, to internalize and hand-tune the extraction of dependently-typed programs to interoperable OCaml programs within Coq itself